I was trying to think of the perfect way to end my epic trip to the land of my ancestors (or at least, 25% of my ancestors), and I think I've got it. A List! Besides, I only need to cover the last two days of my trip. Mind you, they were two very epic, very action packed days.
Day 1:
1) Tai and I explored the rain forest called El Torro Negro.
2) It's near the center of the island, in winding mountain roads, and my stomach was NOT a fan.
3) We found this cool water fall we could have swam in, but I didn't have my bathing suit. Sad moment.
4) We left for another water fall, deeper in the forest.
5) We found it.
6) Tai informed me that no, we could not admire it from the car. There was hiking involved. I was dressed for a carnival. In other words, flip flops.
7) I got really terrified of the sharp slippery rocks.
8) I sucked it up after ten minutes of whining, and went up barefoot. It was epic.
Day 2:
1) We got ready. I realized how terrible my tan lines were.
2) We went to the hotel. My dad was waiting with Janet's family. He had a drink, haha.
3) People arrived. I took too many pictures.
4) Ceremony starts. I get up with the three other children and recite benediction. In Spanish. I found out about that the night before the wedding. Great, right?
5) They Are Married. Husband and wife. For better or worse. Till death do they part. For realz.
6) Dancing. Cake. Food. Alcohol. Embarrasing pictures are inevitable. But I won't post them here.
The night ended and my grandmother and I went to the airport early the next morning, leaving Dad and Janet to hang out in Puerto Rico for another week. You know. Newly weds, and stuff.
Then I arrived in Orlando! Which will probably also be in list form. Yes. Get pumped, because the post is on the Wizarding World of Harry Potter, which I was lucky enough to go to. Oh yeah.
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