1) LORD OF THE RINGS (book 1). Finished. After three years.
I loved it, once I got into it. Tolkein is tricky, but once you give in to the way he describes each tree with TLC, it's easy to get through his prose. Aragorn is, as always, a heartthrob. Gandalf is a badass, and Frodo is just cute. Very stoked to read the next two, though I highly suspect that, just like the movies, the first one will remain my favorite.
Best Quote: YOU SHALL NOT PASS (ok, so there are other ones, but that's the most fun to shout out at random moments).
2) SHIVER. In Progress. For serious.
Took me two chapters to truly get into this, but now I'm in love. Sam and Grace are wonderful, and their relationship so far is subtle, but ridiculously strong. Beautiful writing. Can't wait to see what happens. Yes, this book is about werewolves. It's also made of awesome.
3) WOMEN WHO RUN WITH THE WOLVES. In Progress. For three years now.
More of a scholarly study than anything, this book goes through myths and stories and analyzes them from a feminist perspective. What do women lose with the gender stereotypes modern society has enforced? What do we gain? It's both interesting and boring (though I hate to admit it), so it's hard to get through. I'll have a five hour flight to Puerto Rico coming up though, so I'm sure I'll have a bit of time to sink my teeth into it.
4) GOOD OMENS. In Progress. Slightly for serious. But it's been like, six months.
My second book by Neil Gaiman, I'm not surprised the way this is going. When I read NEVERWHERE, I ended up putting it down somewhere in the middle of the story. When I picked it up again, I sailed through the rest. Gaiman is an amazing writer, and I recommend any of his books. I've also read CORALINE. It, too, is awesome. Can't wait to read the rest of GOOD OMENS.
Alright, that's the entirety of my official summer reading list. I did want to read Richelle Mead's SUCCUBUS BLUES (and the rest of that series), but as of yet I can't find it in Texas. I might just wait till I get back to Evanston. Any recommendations? What's on YOUR summer reading list?
Yea, Tolkein is tricky. The Fellowship of the Ring is the only book of the Lord of the Rings that I've read all the way through so far. I need to read the other two soon. Gandalf *is* a badass. WOO!
ReplyDeleteWell, I have a LOT to read. Published books:
ReplyDeleteInsatiable by Meg Cabot
F is for Fugitive by Sue Grafton
Together Alone by Barbar Delinsky
Home by Marilynne Robinson
The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss, just to name a few
I'm reading a lot of Alice Munro and William Faulkner at the moment, and I have some Gabriel Garcia Marquez as well! And I like to read through Glimmer Train and The New Yorker whenever I get the chance. Just trying to get a feel for a bunch of different styles this summer. :)
ReplyDeleteAs for lighter stuff, I really enjoyed The Hunger Games and Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins, and I can't wait until Mockingjay comes out in August! I even bought a necklace. You should check it out if you haven't already. And Tera Lynn Childs, like I said before, is lots of fun. :)
ReplyDeleteThat is all.
Jonathan- Yeah, I'm going to start the Two Towers in September, but since school is starting who knows how long it'll take me to finish it. Womp womp.
ReplyDeleteKatie- Can I just say I'm impressed that you're reading books on top of that horrendous reading load? Brownie points for you!
Priyanka- I'm totally obsessed w/ Hunger games. It was hard enough to wait for "Catching Fire." I'm eagerly waiting for the 24, because finally Collins will write a book that doesn't leave me hanging. It's cruel, really. Very stoked for Mockingjay.
Veronica- Yes! Me too :)