I wrote this yesterday and I'm so glad I did. I've been in the library for the past twelve hours fighting desperately to write a stupid final essay for a stupid class and it's so. damn. stupid.
Yep, that's right. Eloquence has gone out of the window, peeps. Wave goodbye, because it won't be back until I get a decent ten or so hour nap. True Story. Anyways, here's the randomness that is Spilling Ink (Day 3):
This summer is going to Rock. It is going to rock so hard, and I cannot wait. Awesome summer commences in t-minus 6 days. I'll go to Pride fest (for the second year in a row, thank you very much), then soon I'll be off to Texas, where I'll be tempted to hire someone just to say "let the adventures begin." Yes. It's going to be epic.
But I have no plans for next summer, so let's make some, shall we? Not that I'm not grateful, but it's always good to be prepared, right?
Goals for summer 2011 (some of which are totally doable, some of them not so much):
1) Europe. It's a continent I haven't seen yet, though I've wanted to go since I was a wee child (oh god. you see why I have to go?) My grandma promised me a trip, and by that point I'll need a graduation present. A trip to Dublin or London or Greece sounds like paradise
2) Writer Conference. FOR THE WIN! Oh gosh, I've been wanting to go to one of these for a while. BEA would be ideal, and by ideal I mean crazy awesome! Backspace would be cool. I don't actually know of any others, but yeah.
3) Guatemala. This would cancel out some other stuff, but a few friends and I are thinking of doing a research grant and starting up a new school in rural Guatemala. One friend will be working there this summer, and I'm a little jealous. Doesn't that sound cool?
4) Sailing. That was technically supposed to be part of this summer, but weddings trumped my desire to be a pirate. I'd like to do that next summer. Live on the high seas, and all that jazz.
5) I kind of don't want to admit this, but I'll go ahead and do it: Harry Potter convention. Ok. There. I said it. A whole group of people obsessed with Harry Potter? Yes please. There are a ton of them, though the biggest one is Infinitus (or at least that's what I've heard). So I want to go to that.
6) Comic Con. 'Nuff Said.
7) Write. I feel like this is always a goal, but summer is always the best time to get some serious writing done. So that's a goal, I guess.
I know I haven't posted much about writing so far this June, but I PROMISE my next post will be all writerly... and stuff. Though it will have nothing to do with Christina Rossetti, T.S. Eliot, or Tiresias. Because I'm sick of those people. SO done with them for the next few months of my life.
Alright. Time to power through the last page of my essay. Godspeed. *runs onto battlefield*
Cue explosion.
Face-Lift 1497
2 days ago
Haha, cue explosion. I love you, and the way you write :)